Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the school hours at LPMS?
Please refer to the School Hours page on our website.
2. Where is the school located?
LPMS is located at 90 Ryerson Road, Lincoln Park, NJ 07035
Please refer to the Directions page on the Middle School website.
3. What is the school's phone number?
The school's main number is 973-696-5520.
4. What do I do if I have to call my child out sick?
Please call 973-696-5520 and press 1 to notify the school of an absence.
5. What if I need to pick my child up from school?
If your child is already in school and is not feeling well, he/she should see the school nurse. She will then determine if he/she is well enough to stay in school or should be sent home. The nurse will call the parent/guardian to come pick up the child.
If you know you need to pick up your child ahead of time, you need to send in a note to your child's homeroom and/or the main office so we know to expect you. If it is a last minute decision to pick up your child, please call the main office to alert us of the situation.
6. How do I get work for my child if he/she is out for a few days?
If your child is out of school more than a day or two, please email the teacher(s) for any work being missed. You can make arrangements to pick up their work in the office.
7. Where can I find my child's report card?
At the end of each marking period, report cards will be posted on Genesis after 4:00 pm.
8. Who do I contact if I am having trouble logging into Genesis?
If you are having trouble logging into Genesis, please contact Matthew Spencer for help at